The Steam Walker
Steam World Book 1
From New York Times Bestselling Author Todd McCaffrey
“A Modern Master Of The Craft”
The Steam Walker is a must-read YA novel for anyone who loves adventure, rebellion, and strong female characters. Follow Danni Walker as she makes her own destiny in a world that isn’t ready for her.
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Not your normal Scottish lass.
Danni Walker
She is a red-head in a world that fears them.
She is smart in a world where girls are expected to be stupid.
She is determined in a world that wants to decide for her.
And she is not going to change one bit.
Danni Walker
Danni Walker grew up in her father’s forge.
As she grew older, she discovered that the world of Edinburgh, Scotland in the year 1745 did not understand how to deal with girls like her.
So Danni will change the world.
Bonnie Prince Charlie
Prince Charles Edward Stuart, “Bonnie Prince Charlie” was determined to return his father to the throne of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
He has an army.
He needs more.
Hamish MacAllister
Hamish MacAllister was a “devil of a man.” Cruel, unkempt, and unscrupulous, he grew rich on the misfortunes of others.
He sees Dannielle Walker as a prize and he is determined to have it.
Lord Murray
Rising to Prince Charlie’s standard, General Lord Murray was the first officer of the Highlanders and clansmen who would win back the Crown.
He knows his craft; he has no desire to change the ways of war.
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